Friday, November 02, 2007

We at HouseMaster Home & Termite Inspections in the metro Phoenix AZ area are conducting a home inspection and termite inspection of a For Sale home in Anthem AZ for a devotee of

The seller client is doing everything in strict accordance with the method desribed in this book. We are offering our services to everyone in our Arizona market to perform this Pre-Inspection. since we at HouseMaster are the oldest and largest home inspection company in North America, and provide an immediate, on-site, web-based report with photos.

Our seller client here in Arizona is going to have a copy of our HouseMaster report printed off and neatly portrayed in the HouseMaster Inspection Resource Guide binder for all to see as they tour the house.

Remember, the Pre-Inspection:

- Protects the seller by offering FULL DISCLOSUE
- Sets a realistic asking price
- Gives the buyer peace of mind
- Enables HouseMaster to return to the property, so the buyer can:

- - Re-walk the property with the inspector
- - Buy the HouseMaster report for a nominal fee
- - Get a 90-day HouseMaster Guarantee

HouseMaster conducted a national survey and found that Pre-Inspected houses sold twice as quickly as non-Pre-Inspected houses.

HouseMaster-Phoenix has performed more Pre-Inspections during the past 6 months than we have in 10 years of being in business.


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