Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Home Inspector Finds Dangerously Placed Gas Shut-Off Valves

Inspector John O'Coin inspected a mere 4-year-old, 4500 square-foot home in Chandler AZ today with the gas safety shut-off valves in the attic. The shut-off valves were 4 feet behind the gas furnace in a place which was completely INACCESSIBLE and covered with insulation. Basically in an emergency, the gas would not be able to be turned off.

1) The city inspector certified the home when it was built.

2) The gas company was supposed to check all safety features when turning the gas on at the home.

3) The licensed installer should have known where to install the safety shut-off.

Bottom Line: In this case, the home inspector was the ONLY one who found these issues in this home.

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