Saturday, April 04, 2009

Tempe named a top city to start a new business

The Arizona Republic Mar. 31, 2009 01:03 PM
by William Hermann

Tempe Mayor Hugh Hallman says it was no surprise to him that "BusinessWeek" magazine this week selected Tempe, Arizona as one of the best cities in the nation for starting up a new business.

"We've worked very hard for years to make Tempe friendly to companies that are going to start a business, so it makes sense we were honored," Hallman said. "We have a net import of 60,000 workers every day, more than 40,000 students come to our Arizona State University campus, our city codes are not an unnecessary burden to businesses and our transportation system is excellent."

BusinessWeek searched cities across the nation with populations ranging from 20,000 to 200,000 to compile its list of the best place to start a business in each state. The magazine profiled entrepreneurs "quick to tout the ease of doing business in small or midsize cities."

According to a magazine release on the award, "BusinessWeek asked entrepreneurs in each city what people should know about starting a business there. Many said factors such as affordability, availability of talent, existence of a thriving business community and quality of life helped them choose where to open shop."

Tempe Chamber of Commerce President Mary Ann Miller said she welcomes the award as the sort of thing that validates what she has been saying all along.

"People out there considering starting a business-whether because of an opportunity, or because of these times, by necessity-can see that there is a place--Tempe-that makes it easier for you to get your business started," Miller said. "A little bit of good news, encouraging news, like that, may be all you need to choose this city."

The award is the latest in a series for Tempe, including the inaugural Smart Growth award by the Urban Land Institute, the 10 Greatest Streets award for Mill Avenue by the American Planning Association and the Arizona Economic Engine award by Arizona Business Magazine.


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